const core = require('@actions/core');
const exec = require('@actions/exec');
const fs = require('fs');
const io = require('@actions/io');
const os = require('os');
const path = require('path');
const process = require('process');
const tc = require('@actions/tool-cache');
* Get full path to a <pre>fs.Dirent</pre> directly under the given folder.
* @see {@link|fs.Dirent}
* @param {string} dirPath Path to folder to look into.
* @param {Function} func Callback that returns a boolean on when the
* right <pre>fs.Dirent</pre> is found.
* @returns {(string|null)} Path to dirent that satisfies func, else null.
async function getDirentPath(dirPath, func) {
const extractDir = await fs.promises.opendir(dirPath);
for await (const dirent of extractDir) {
if (func(dirent)) {
return path.join(dirPath,;
return null;
* Get the file path to a file in the extracted repository root folder.
* @param {string} fileName Filename to get from extracted repository root.
* @param {string} extractedPath Path to extracted tar/zip repository folder.
* @throws {MissingFileError} If filename not found directly under the
* repository root directory.
async function getRepoRootFile(fileName, extractedPath) {
// Tarball extracts to repo name + git ref sub-folder
const srcFolder = await getDirentPath(
(dirent) => {return dirent.isDirectory()},
if (srcFolder) {
const filePath = await getDirentPath(
(dirent) => {return dirent.isFile() && == fileName},
if (filePath) {
return filePath;
const globPath = path.join(extractedPath, '*', fileName)
throw {
'name': 'MissingFileError',
'message': `Could not find ${globPath}`,
* @typedef envPaths
* @type object
* @property {string[]} ENV_VAR_NAMES... Array of paths to add per
* environment variable.
* Installs rez.
* Fetches from GitHub tools cache if previously installed, else extract
* and install from the given GitHub repository link and Git ref.
* @param {string} rezGitRepo "user or org"/"repository name"
* @param {string} gitRef master or commit hash or tag name or branch name.
* @returns {envPaths} Environment variable names and paths to add for
* them to setup the installed/cached rez install.
async function installRez(rezGitRepo, gitRef) {
var rezInstallPath = tc.find(rezGitRepo, gitRef);
if (rezInstallPath.length) {
var manifestData = null;
const manifestPath = path.join(rezInstallPath, 'setup.json')
try {
manifestData = fs.readFileSync(manifestPath);
} catch (error) {
if (error.code != 'ENOENT') throw error
if (manifestData) {
return JSON.parse(manifestData);
let exeArgs = [];
let filePath = '';
let rezInstall = {};
const binFolder = ((process.platform == 'win32') ? 'Scripts': 'bin');
const downloadURL = `${rezGitRepo}/archive/${gitRef}.tar.gz`;`Downloading "${downloadURL}"...`);
const rezTarPath = await tc.downloadTool(downloadURL);
rezInstallPath = await tc.extractTar(rezTarPath);
try {
filePath = await getRepoRootFile('', rezInstallPath);
exeArgs = ['python', filePath, rezInstallPath];
rezInstall['PATH'] = [path.join(rezInstallPath, binFolder, 'rez')];
} catch (error) {
if ( != 'MissingFileError') {
throw error
exeArgs = ['pip', 'install', '--target', rezInstallPath];
filePath = await getRepoRootFile('', rezInstallPath);
rezInstall['PATH'] = [path.join(rezInstallPath, binFolder)];
rezInstall['PYTHONPATH'] = [rezInstallPath];
// const installCommand = exeArgs.join(" ")
const installExe = exeArgs.shift()"Installing...")
// core.debug(`${installCommand}`);
await exec.exec(installExe, exeArgs);
path.join(rezInstallPath, 'setup.json'),
await tc.cacheDir(rezInstallPath, rezGitRepo, gitRef);
core.debug(`...(cached) "${rezInstallPath}" with setup.json`);
return rezInstall;
* Create rez packages paths.
* These typically are:
* <ul font-family=monospace>
* <li>$HOME/packages</li>
* <li>$HOME/.rez/packages/int</li>
* <li>$HOME/.rez/packages/ext</li>
* </ul>
async function makePackagesPaths() {
let output = '';
await exec.exec('rez', ['config', 'packages_path'], {
listeners: {stdout: (data) => (output += data.toString())},
for (line of output.trim().split(os.EOL)) {
await io.mkdirP(line.replace(/^- /, ''));
* Add given environment variable paths to current process.env
* @param {object} envPaths Environment names mapped to a list of paths to add.
function addPathsToEnvs(envPaths) {
let paths = [];
let newPath = '';
let currentPath = '';
for (varName in envPaths) {
if (varName == 'PATH') {
// Make rez bin available for binding later, if any
envPaths[varName].forEach(element => {core.addPath(element)});
} else {
// Add to current process.env so exec.exec will also pick it up
currentPath = process.env[varName];
if (currentPath) {
paths = currentPath.split(path.delimiter);
} else {
paths = envPaths[varName];
newPath = paths.join(path.delimiter);
core.exportVariable(varName, newPath);
currentPath = newPath;
* Installs or fetch cached rez install. Setup packages path and binds if any.
async function run() {
try {
// Export relevant env vars for a rez install
await installRez(core.getInput('source'), core.getInput('ref'))
// Create all packages_path folders
if (core.getInput('makePackagesPaths')) {
const binds = core.getInput('binds');
if (binds.length) {
// Create local packages path
let output = '';
await exec.exec('rez', ['config', 'local_packages_path'], {
listeners: {stdout: (data) => (output += data.toString())},
await io.mkdirP(output.trimRight());
// Create bind per package name (comma separated, remove whitespace)
for (pkg of binds.trim().split(",")) {
await exec.exec('rez', ['bind', pkg.trim()]);
} catch (error) {